Friday, June 6, 2008

Layah update 060608

So here is the update. We are asking anyone who is B positive or the universal donor, and is willing, would donate blood. You can go to Life South in Homewood, or the blood bank at UAB North Pavillion, 2nd Floor. I need to be told who will come so that I can take a sheet of names so that they can make sure to use the blood for Layah, as long as it test CMV negative, (which is a virus most people have but dont know it). If you want to donate just email me here or call my cell. Layah had a quite night, which is good. She got some blood and plasma yesterday. They tried to give her some breast milk but it did not go anywhere, as far as thru the gut. At this gestation, they try early to feed but since her intestines and gastro system is still so immature, it may be a few more days before they can try again. She is not working nearly as hard as Tobi did to breath on the vent, which is great. She has a safe bilirubin count considering all of the brusing on her from the birth, but the team already sees her quick healing abilitiy- which is all those prayers!!! She is obviously on a long journey to be home, so please remember we may not need you directly now for help, but we may sooner or later. Again, thank you all for your contstant support and prayers. Layah is so loved by so many, it is very encouraging to us. Will update you all with any more info soon, but at this point, no news is good news.

Layah update 060508

So, most of you may have heard by now, our daughter Layah Faith was born on Monday at 3:19 pm. She was not expectected until September 26th or 4 weeks before. She was born at 23 weeks and 3 days. She is 1 lb and 4 oz, but has lost some of her birth "weight" since arriving. So now it has been determined that I have an incompitent cervix, basically not able to keep a pregnancy in to term. I wish this would have been concluded after Tobi's extremely premature birth, but it was not. Layah was able to get a dose of steroids thru me prior to her vaginal birth. Although she was breach, they dont do c-sections before 24 weeks. She was bruised and I was miserable because I did not have an epidural, but she is VERY strong. Because Layah is female her chances are better than had she been male. She is obviously got a long time to be in the hospital, and that is what is hardest on me. Tobi has seen her and since all of his first baby pictures were at the same nursery at UAB, he wasnt really shocked. Layah has been on the vent to the cpap and back to the vent. She is not on NEARLY as much oxygen as Tobi was at this point, which is the Hand of God. We ask that you all continue to pray for her healing and strength and as with Tobias, God will reveal Himself in a mighty way thru her long life to come. We are very blessed to have such wonderful, and supportive friends and family. Layah is our "princess Leia" and her name means "delicate", "child of heaven", and " heavenly flower". Obviously her middle name is very important to our family and represents how we get through times such as these. I am pumping now, which is all I can do, but I seem to do well for my children. If anyone wants to call, we are very appreciative and love to hear from you all, but we apologize in advance if we do not return your call. I will update this as often as possible. As she grows we wan to share our experience to show that God is still in the miracle business, today just as He was in the Old Testament.